Frequently asked questions
Property Tax is a tax levied by the Municipal Corporations / Urban Local Bodies in Holding situated under ULB area.
All owners of properties, including residential properties, commercial properties, and vacant land, within the municipal limits of Bihar are liable to pay property tax to the Municipal Corporations / Urban Local Bodies, governed by the Bihar Urban Development and Housing Department.
The amount of property tax payable is calculated based on the Annual Rental Value (ARV) of the property. The ARV is an estimate of the annual rent that could be fetched for the property if it were rented out. The ARV is multiplied by a tax rate to arrive at the property tax amount.
it is 9 % of Annual rental value.
Property Tax in Bikramganj can be paid online through the official website of the Nagar Parishad Bikramganj or offline either at the office of the Nagar Parishad Bikramganj or calling the helpline number and contacting the Tax Collector who can come and collect property tax from citizen’s doorstep.
No, this service is free of cost.
Holding tax for each financial year shall be due on 1st April of each financial year.
Citizen can get the rebate of 5% if property tax of current year is paid on or before 30 the June.